or do you participate in the loud outbursts during a movie?
Are you quickly annoyed/irritated by the loud-mouths in a movie theatre?opera cd
I quit going to the movies. I buy the DVD and watch at home on a huge screen. Better popcorn, too, and I can have a beer or two.
Are you quickly annoyed/irritated by the loud-mouths in a movie theatre?opera singer opera theater
i dont go very much anymore
Yes they are very annoying.
I do get irrtated exspecially when the people in the movie are loud mouths like Miley Cyrus and Emily Osment in "Hannah Montana"
i am quickly annoyed by all the loud-mouth, but they are everywhere, its so rude!
I hate cell phones and people who let there kids jabber jaw, and people who bring babies who cry, only to be taken to the tunnel, where their cry is amplified. The best thing about it is that you can get uppity with them, and they can't say anything, because the whole theatre is on your side.
It drives me nuts. And my boyfriend is one of them. He's one of those guys who wishes they can jump in the movie and make it play out how he wants to...so annoying.
i hate when people talk during the movie!! but if something funny happens and every1 laughs then i don't mind :[}
I have had people thrown out for talking. It drives me nuts. I paid $10.50 to watch the movie not listen to who the girl next door is going to have sex with.
yES THIS OLD MAN BEHIND ME SLEPT THROUGH T HE WHOLE THING!!!! LOL PLZ ANSWER MINE http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;...
I'm quickly annoyed, by those that make noise. And don't let me hear what's going on in the movie.
one reason i don't to movies unless it's not crowded, too many people crave attention and don't care about anyone else
participate, i hope you will participate with me!!!!!!
I hate that, that's why I only go to the matinee, those loud
mouth only come out at night.
I get mad when people suck their teeth when I'm talking on my cell phone in the theatre. They should learn some manners.
i dont like anyone talking during a movie, if the movie is really good - even ppl with me. lol the atmosphere is half the reason i enjoy going so much, to get lost in the movie - i dont want any commotion going on around me to remind me i am still in reality lol I know that sounds like I am a head case but it's true. lol
I can't stand it...unless they are just laughing thats fine but when they are like talking about the movie and asking questions about it and stuff. ..uggh that annoys me!
just when the movie starts. I'm always the ***** shushing everyone.
I do get frustrated, and no I never disturb others during a movie
yes but sometimes its funny
I hate it when people talk in the theater. Or if they buy a whole bunch of snacks and spend like 5 min. opening up the wrappers and crinkling them around. ERRRGGGG! It gets on my nerves.
In order to be quiet I just flash them sign language!
i participate in the talking during the movie
but im not loud
i whisper to make sure no one else can hear me
Honestly i really don't care if they want to scream doesn't bother me simply because it's not like watching a movie at home the sound is so long in the theater i usually can't even hear them being belligerent
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