seeing it on the big screen with good sound
being part of the collected effect of the audience (if you don't know what I mean by this, then you need to go to a big cult film at midnight on opening night)
What are the advantages of going to a theatre?events
bigger and better visual quality,
surround sound and yes, popcorn
(w/c i don't have to prepare) to boot. 眉
What are the advantages of going to a theatre?home theatre opera theater
Big Screen, Big sound, Being Out of the House and in a Theater, More Room, Better in the dark than at home in the dark.
big screen and more sound.
seeing the movie sooner rather than later when it comes out on DVD
With respect, all the other answers before I posted this are the advantages of going to the cinema, not the theatre.
The theatre is a shared, live, in the moment, three dimensional, unique experience. You, as an audience member, would be taking part in not only the thrill of drama and spectacle, but an art form that has been around since before there were written languages. There's an excitement to theatre, a real-time event in which anything can happen at any given moment and a vitality of living people bringing literature to life, educating, sharing, emoting, and making you laugh.
the popcorn, bigger screen
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