Saturday, December 5, 2009

Did you ever fall asleep in a movie theatre?

if so was it the movie or because you were tired?

Did you ever fall asleep in a movie theatre?say yes

Yes..My friends dragged me out of the bar to see the remake of Amittyville horror. I was so drunk and the movie wasn't that good..So I was snoring away.

Did you ever fall asleep in a movie theatre?palace theatre opera theater

not me,but my grandfather used to do it b4 bcs of d aircondition inside d theatre
i did i fell asleep during the movie miricle and woke up when it was about to go off
yes, more than once.
Just once, when I took my small nephew to see the Pikachu movie ... it was mind numbing.
yes in cat woman coz it sucks...
Nevr till now.
I fell asleep during Forrest Gump where he said "Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you'll get" then I woke up and went and bought a box of Jr Mints
Sad to say yes, once during "Dead Ringers".
yes and both
Yes, I even snore.. hehehhe
Nope-sleeping in a movie theatre is way uncomfortable
no i just walk out
yeah, I was watching king kong
not just in a theatre but also in a club with the boom box not far away from me... anyway, i fell asleep in the theatre before because i was tired! when i am tired i can sleep anywhere, seriously!
it was lord of the rings, itwas just too long!
Yeah! Whilst watching King-Kong.
yes, I was watching Elf with Will Farrell. I thought the movie was wack. I know it wasn't because I was tired.
me never... but i know a person who does all the time... c",)
Yes, Most of the movies today are not good.
yes because of both,and I fell asleep with my boyfriend in the balcony and we were kicked out for sleeping for4 hours at a crappy flick.
No- if the movie just gets boring- I take out my diary and write songs.
No, I didn' t
Yes, mostly because of being tired. It's dark, cool, and comfortable in a movie theatre.
No. Because I only visit theatre for sometimes so I take my time to enjoy. heheh

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