Saturday, December 5, 2009

What differences are there between noh and greek theatre?

Somebody's got a big homework assignment?

Interestingly, fewer things than one might think. Historians believe, for example, that the classic Greek theatre was chanted in a rhythmic-melodic fashion--similar to Noh, though probably faster...

Noh uses an orchestra of traditional Japanese instruments. Theatre of Dionysus used only a single aulos player (aulete).

Greeks used the sixteen-man chorus.

Greeks used masks.

The Theatre of Dionysus was an outdoor ampitheater; the Noh drama is done indoors on a standardized stage platform.

While both incorporated dance, in Noh the dance is continuous, whereas the Greek dance was often acrobatic. The Noh actor uses a fan as a prop, while Greek dancers evidently used things similar to contemporary interpretive gymnastics--balls and hoops and such.

Greeks used stage machinery for special effects; Noh doesn't.

Noh is slow, meditative, and restrained in style and theme. Greek drama was vigorous, rude, and aggressive.

I guess that about does it.

Oops--one edit--check that earlier answer, Noh doesn't use masks like Greeks did, Japanese theatre instead relies on highly stylized make-up.

What differences are there between noh and greek theatre?events

Of course one similarity is the use of masks. Noh is a basically religious form of theatre which utilizes the most incredibly slow movements and thin high droning sounds for music. The costuming is elaborate but it is played out on a small square stage. I could never get into it because I always fell asleep because of the incredible slowness--which almost means incredible discipline of the actors in their movements. It's hard to move that slow and do it


Greek theatre used more dramatic effects --like the deus ex machina, and while the themes usually had interaction between the gods and men, in the tragedies the most important thing was hubris--man lifting himself in pride, and that flaw in his character causing his downfall, and usually bringing a lot of people with him. The music was faster, more sensual, though stil not terribly appealing, at least to me. The Greeks played out their dramas in amphitheatres and used devices to amplify sound. Noh

is a much more intimate type of theatre, the stage protuding into the area, like a three sided square.

That's about all I can help you with.

Maybe an expert can add on more for you.


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