Thursday, December 10, 2009

In Back to the Future, what movie was playing at the movie theatre when Marty went back to 1955?

What movie was playing in 1985?

This is another one of my weekly trivia questions. First person with the correct, and most thorough answer, gets "Best Answer."

In Back to the Future, what movie was playing at the movie theatre when Marty went back to 1955?opera songs

...if I recall correctly, it was "A Boy's Life" and "Watch the Skies", which were reportedly alternate titles for the Spielberg films, "E.T.: The Extraterrestial" and "Close Encounters of the Third Kind"...

...there were a couple of other theatres in the 1955 town, which were playing alternate movies, I think that they were "Cattle Queen of Montana" and "The Atomic Kid", but it's been a long while since I saw "BTTF", so I really can't be too sure...

...I'm also inclined to think that the first double bill I mentioned, was actually in "Gremlins", not "BTTF"... 1985, I think that the theater marquee said that the theater was closed, or was playing X-Rated movies, or something; again, I'd have to go back to the movie, for that one...

In Back to the Future, what movie was playing at the movie theatre when Marty went back to 1955?secure browser opera theater

mm I think it was a Elvis Movie but I can't remember which one or maybe a John Wayne Movie.
"Cattle Queen of Montana"
Film Jedi is correct. It's "Cattle Queen of Montana," starring Barbara Stanwyck and Ronald Reagan. That's one reason why it's funny when, a while after spotting this marquee, Marty has trouble convincing Doc Brown that Reagan is president in 1985. After all, Doc must be thinking, who'd vote for the costar of "Cattle Queen of Montana" to be president of the US? No wonder he asks whether the vice president is the equally absurd Jerry Lewis.

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